Steve and Phoebe

There comes a moment when the thought of retirement gets lodged in your mind. You start to wonder — what’s next? What do I want to do in life, when can I start, how do I know when the right time will be…?

Then comes the less exciting question — how I afford to retire!?
Steve and Phoebe might have gotten a little bit older, but their dreams were bigger than ever. They wanted to travel around Australia, in a modern but modest caravan with their closest friends — and they knew a three-month adventure wouldn’t be cheap. They were worried it would eat too much into their savings and impact their retirement later in life, because as we all know – retirement can be long and medical bills can increase dramatically! So, they started talking to a Bridges financial planner.

Before their road-trip they needed a road-map — one that would break down their goals against their income, savings and begin to look at their income replacement strategies. Steve didn’t want to give up work completely, instead he preferred to wind down the number of days and move to part-time. Phoebe was already part-time, but her income was very important when it came to their day-to-day expenses.

How many more years would they need to work to implement the perfect escape?... By partnering Bridges, we gave them some pretty important answers and a clear plan to work towards.

We developed a unique strategy; one that focused on reducing their expenses, improving their cash-flow and making the most of their Super over the long term. It was important to make sure their short-term savings were accessible and solid before their Super kicked in and began doing the heavy lifting.
Our retirement plan gave Steve and Phoebe the clarity and confidence to even pencil a retirement date in the calendar! They’d need to work a little bit longer than first hoped, but their bucket-list road trip was no longer a dream — it was very much on. They even realised they could travel for an extra month without spending the kid’s inheritance!

Retirement is never a simple decision. It takes planning and effort to understand the implications and the possibilities.

But, with a Bridges Financial Planner by your side — it can feel a lot less daunting.

Let's talk

When it comes to your goals, it helps to talk about them, think about them, and, most importantly, dream a little. Start a conversation with Bridges today.