Let’s make every day an adventure. 

We don’t know how much time we have… but we can make sure we enjoy every second of it.


Those who are already retired, typically 67-79, drawing down on their wealth, ticking off their bucket list and protecting their family. Typically, life has not slowed down. They’re looking to support their kids and help their grandchildren get along in life — but not at the expense of their own life and health.

How we can help

Even in retirement a financial plan is essential. After all, time is one of life’s great unknowns. Whether it’s your super or your investments; dividends or rent — we’re here to make your money go further and support you to protect your loved ones.

Discover Wealth Central

It has never been easier to visualise your finances. Wealth Central is an engaging and interactive way to quickly understand your financial position, model your goals and receive valuable insights.

It’s a visual tool that can give you financial clarity in seconds. It’s just one of the ways we’re making financial advice accessible to all Australians.

Case study

Steph had always wanted to go on a European adventure. But, with her children grown up and grandchildren on the horizon — her number one priority was to make sure she could take care of her family. Thanks to a little bit of help from a Bridges Financial Planner — she was able to do both.

Relevant services


Figuring out the best way to draw down on your Super, while still maximising its potential by reviewing strategies, performance, fees and more.

Investment services

Getting to know your investments, portfolios, dividends and replacement income so you can develop an investment strategy that’s right for right now.

Cash flow management

Understanding your financial ‘ins and outs’ so you can track your spending, budgeting, and ultimately — make your savings last.

Personal insurance

Protecting your family and loved ones starts by looking after the most important thing in life — you.  We’re here to make sure lost income is replaced, debt can be repaid, and recovery is swift, if the unexpected should happen.

Estate planning

Putting the plans in place to protect your family and your assets, while taking away unnecessary stresses and financial hardships - ensuring you’re able to support future generations and control your legacy.

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Music, maestro!
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Bigger bonus for working pensioners

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Minimum pension payments

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Effective Date
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Short Description
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Let's talk

When it comes to your goals, it helps to talk about them, think about them, and, most importantly, dream a little. Start a conversation with Bridges today.